About DSS Consulting…
DSS Consulting has been guiding clients to a better understanding of money, finances, and investing since 2010. Our practice focuses on two primary areas.
The DSS Consulting coaching model engages individuals through highly personalized action plans to assist them in becoming more financially masterful and guiding those clients through the tasks to achieve their goals. We specialize in assisting clients to better understand and harness their approach to money and then teaching them better behavioral and financial decision-making skills.
Our educational model incorporates multiple channels of outreach to foster better financial literacy and money mastery. Our streaming TV show reaches hundreds of thousands of young women each month; our retirement programs are highly valued by federal and corporate audiences; and our online webinars are available through our association with MyCPE.com.
Finally, in furthering our goal to strengthen financial literacy, we work behind the scenes lending our expertise to online financial apps and newsletters.
We're all on a path. Let us help you build yours. We are here for you.
Ilene Slatko CEO and Founder
In Ilene’s Words…
As a native Washingtonian, I grew up loving this city and its people. As the daughter of an architect, I watched how communities grew stronger, or weaker, based on the available infrastructure.
For almost 30 years, my career was spent providing education and investment guidance to my clients.
I first authored Women and Their Money in 1987 and presented it in the DC metro area. Women who attended thanked me for supporting them in their financial journey. They realized without understanding financial literacy, the choices they might make could have devastating and unintended results.
No one knows better than I that life can take you in unplanned directions. If mistakes could be made, I’ve made them. What propels me is my understanding of how a clear vision, a new story, and changed behaviors make the difference between success and failure.